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  1. Great mood board! You did an excellent job setting the ‘feel’ of the app.

    Wireframes – these are pretty good, though I don’t understand the user flow for the map. Does the user input their location on the map first, then go the screen to choose which service they will explore? How does the app know which location to show the services for?

    • I was thinking that it becomes really easy if we see each facility on the map, like google map. The app will ask the access for the gps and according to where the gps is it will display the facilities and other things. A user can directly navigate to the maps as there are three icons at the bottom of the home page that will tell where you are. So if we are on the home page the background of the icon will be grey and if we click on the location icon we will navigate to the map, and if want to go back to the home page we will click back to home icon. Same goes for the profile page too.

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